Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Set to Jet!

Tomorrow, August 1st 2013, we embark on our 4th trip down to San Lorenzo, Paraguay. The Lord has been good and has brought together another team, comprised of 11 people, 4 of which who have never been down before. We will be gone for 14 days, and we are all anxious to see what God is going to do through multiple ministries that will occur in our time there.

 These are just a few different ministries we will be a part of during the trip: door to door evangelism, medical campaigns in different villages (some will be assisting with that, the rest of us will be sharing the Gospel with them aferwards), sharing of the Jesus Film (Magdalena) and Gospel presentation, as well as sports activities/children's programs. We have the pleasure of returning to "Su Refugio," an orphange (and much more) that we were able to visit during its construction in our first year there. We have only seen pictures of how it has flourished since then. I can't wait to post about the incredible changes it has undergone in recent years.

 I have spent the last few moments looking back on pictures and blogs from the last 3 years and just reveling in the goodness of God and how it has been so evident on every trip. If anything has been constant throughout, it is that God does exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever ask for or imagine. He always works in marvelous ways, and we expect nothing less for this year!

Needless to say, we are EXCITED and I am excited to be able to share these next two weeks with you!

We would love to be able to share our prayer requests and praises with you as we go along, starting with these below:

 1. For safe travels as we fly down (last year was unforgettable, we learned a lot, but would not like a repeat). :)
 2. For safe travels for Andrew Leong, as he is flying down seperately on Saturday and meeting us there.
 3. God would continue to work in the hearts of those we will be coming in contact with while in country.
4. Health!
 5. God would use this time of ministry to be glorified!
 6. Team unity for travel and the whole time we're in Paraguay. Thanks for stopping by, keep coming back! I expect to have something sent out at least once a day, internet permitting. :)

 - Victoria Leong


  1. Really excited with you everyone as we look forward to hearing about all that God is doing and will be doing in Paraguay this summer. Safe travels to one and all!

  2. Love you all very much! Praying for you and excited to see what God does through you all and through those you meet there.

    God bless! <3

    Casey Maxwell
